Nesco American Harvest Review – Food Dehydrator

A Nesco American Harvest dehydrator is one of the best appliances you can use in the kitchen for making healthy snacks and meals that taste great.

By using your Nesco American Harvest dehydrator to dry your fruits, vegetables and meats, you can enjoy healthy meals and snacks without ingesting unhealthy preservatives and other additives often found in processed foods.

An American Harvest dehydrator helps you stop waste and to help save money which is a plus for every house hold.

Drying foods is easy with the right equipment and American Harvest dehydrator have great features to help you dry foods even easier. When you dry your own foods you will be able to use leftover fruit and vegetable and not let it waste.

Using Your Nesco American Harvest Dehydrator

Never waste excess fruit and veg or fresh herbs from your fridge or garden again, drying with an American Harvest Dehydrator is a great way of storing excess fruit and vegetables for later use. Making fruit rolls and beef jerky at home with an American Harvest dehydrator means knowing exactly what is in the food you are preparing and avoids unnecessary chemicals and preservatives which are added to processed foods. This is especially good for controlling allergies and for your general health.

Nesco American Harvest Review – Keep Your Snacks Healthy

To dry your food, the American Harvest dehydrator extracts the moisture by keeping your food at a low temperature over an extended term. Mold and bacteria are not able capable of growing without the moisture. Drying food is an ancient form of preserving food for storage.

The American Harvest dehydrator has a top temperature of only 140 degrees, if it was able to reach higher temperatures the food would end up cooked rather than dried. A fan assisted air current aids in the drying process by removing moist air. The humid air must be replaced with dry air in this way to assist in the drying process. Most Nesco food dehydrators offer changeable air current speeds and together with a fan and good ventilation, your food will dry much quicker.

When drying food, it is placed on stacking racks inside the American Harvest dehydrator, the racks are designed to allow the dry, warm air to flow freely around them.With the positioning of the fan at the top of the dehydrator, the necessity to turn the racks and avoid the mix of flavors is reduced.

A Nesco food dehydrator, or American Harvest dehydrator as it is also known, is one of the best appliances you can use in the kitchen for making healthy snacks and ingredients that not only taste fantastic, but which you also know are free from the preservatives and additives usually added in commercial foods of this type. This is particularly good for those who suffer food allergies or intolerance’s and to maintain general healthy eating patterns.

Fruit, vegetables and jerky would take days to get dried and preserved but in an American Harvest dehydrator this is cut down to a few hours. You will cut back on waste as any extra produce can be dried and stored instead of being thrown out or composted

There are various models available in the American Harvest dehydrator range. The 350 watt Jerky express is the baby of the range and a great gift for the Jerky lover in your family, the kit includes four seasonings to try.

At the other end of the scale there is the Gardenmaster which is currently the largest in the Nesco food dehydrator range. With a powerful 1000 watt motor and if you opt to buy the additional trays you will have thirty square feet of drying power. The drying temperature is adjustable for different foods and the drying pressure adjusts automatically depending on the number of trays used. If you tend to forget things, you could opt for the digital version which has a smaller capacity of 20sq.ft but it is digitally programmable for up to 48 hours.


By adding a American Harvest dehydrator to your kitchen, you will be able to provide your family with tasty and nutritious snacks and meals for years to come. In the process, your Nesco food dehydrator will be both saving you a small fortune on commercial products of this kind and also help to eliminate food waste from your life.


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